Sunday, September 21, 2008

Clementine- Monarch Nominee 2009

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Clementine. These are the types of books that I would have loved to have read as a child when i was just beginning to read chapter books on my own. I even think I would have enjoyed them if my parents had read them to me. Even as a nineteen year old, I found myself chuckling at the humor throughout the story. It was a very easy read as well because it was so entertaining. I felt like a child all over again, waiting in anticipation to hear the end of the story. I know the book isn't very long, but I did end up reading it in one sitting because I became so engrossed. There is humor in the book that young children will pick up on, but there is also humor in there that becomes even more funny when you realize what it would be like to actually come across a child like Clementine. Being an elementary education major, I found myself imagining what it would be like to have Clementine as a student. I think it would also be interesting to read this book again in a few years when I have a class of my own to see if I have any students that remind me of the characters in the story.

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