Sunday, November 16, 2008

Aunt Chip and the Great Triple Creek Damn Affair- Required Read

Aunt Chip and the Great Triple Creek Damn Affair is the humorous story of what happens when televisions basically take over a town. Everyone of Triple Creek is so obsessed with TVs that they no longer become interested in reading. All they do is spend every moment watching TV. The main character, Eli's, Aunt Chip is the only one in town that does not own a TV. Aunt Chip discovers that Eli doesn't even know what reading is and decides that she needs to take action. She teaches Eli to read, and Eli starts the other children with reading. Pretty soon, everyone in Triple Creek wants to read again. The problem with this is that they soon do not have books to read. All of the books had been stacked up and made into a dam once Triple Creek stopped reading. When the children go to pull a book from the dam, the dam busts and the water knocks out the television towers. Thankfully, this did not happen earlier because the people of Triple Creek would have been lost without TV. Now they at least have books to rely on. I enjoyed this story because it is an exaggerated version of what our society has come to. Obviously, children still know how to read, but far too many of them spend more time watching TV. This is a good book for young children to hear because they may be able to relate to it. It shows them that reading can be just as fun as watching TV, as long as they pick out the right books.

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